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Gallery JJ Project 23

레섹 스쿠르스키 | Leszek Skurski


2017. 9. 26 (화) - 10. 29 (일)
추석휴일: 9.3 - 5 (화 ~ 목)

레섹 스쿠르스키 | Leszek Skurski



한글 약력 소개

1973년 폴란드 그단스크 출생, 현재 독일에서 활동중인 작가이다. 그단스크 미술 아카데미에서 회화와 그래픽 디자인을 전공하였고 1995년에 폴란드 Art price of Culture and Art Ministry를 수상하였다.




1973       born in Gdansk, Poland
1992~97 Study Painting and Graphik-Design, Academy of Fine Art, Gdansk at Prof.  

               Wlodzimierz Lajming and Prof. Jerzy Krechowicz
1995       Art price of the Cultur and Art Ministry Poland
1997       Diploma



2016       Gallery von Stechow, Frankfurt, Germany

               JANKNEGT GALLERY, Laren, Niederlande

               Galerie Von & Von, Nürnberg

               Gallery JJ, Seoul, South Korea

2015       Gallery DOOIN, Seoul, South Korea

               Hicks Gallery, London

               Red Corridor Gallery, Fulda

2014       JANKNEGT GALLERY, Laren, Niederlande

               Gallery DOOIN, Seoul, South Korea

               Visages. Picasso, Magritte, Warhol..., Centre de la Vieille Charite, Merseille, 


               Alexandra Chiari, Merseille, Frankreich

2006-15 Red Corridor Gallery, Fulda

2013       Galerie Von & Von, Nürnberg

               “Einzelnachweise”, Vonderau Museum, Fulda

               Leszek Skurski–Liens Fragiles, Marseille

2012       Galerie Image au au Carré, Brüssel, Belgien

2011       colourblind Gallery, Köln

               Galerie Image au Carré, Brüssel, Belgien

2010       “Der Lieblingstag”, colourblind Gallery, Köln

2009       Red Corridor Gallery, L‘Agulhas, RSA

               Soho Gallery LLC, LA, USA

               Lurie-Kavachnina Gallery, Miami, USA

2008       RED CORRIDOR going Mallorca, Sailer Galeria d‘Art, Mallorca Santaniy

2007       Galerie Prinsenhoek, Niederlande

2006       Scarlet Gallery, Greyton, RSA

2002       art Transfer, Kunststation Kleinsassen

               Galerie Prinsenhoek, Niederlande

2001       Übergangen, Frankfurt a.Main

               Verwaschene Spuren, Textilmuseum Crimmitschau, Deutschland

2000       Dorp Street Gallery, Stellenbosch, RSA

1997       Galerie Akademie der Schönen Künste, Danzig



PAN Amsterdam, Art Fair Köln, Art Karlsruhe, Positions Berlin, Art Gent, Affordable Art Fair, London, Affordable Art Fair, Brussels, SCOPE Basel, SCOPE Miami, Affordable Art Fair, Hamburg, Affordable Art Fair, Singapore, RAI Amsterdam, KIAF Seoul

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