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Gallery JJ Project 15
Simon Morley
Korean Works 2010 - 15
2015. 10. 7 Wed  - 11. 24 Tue
Opening Reception: 5-7PM  10. 7 Wed 

사이먼 몰리 | Simon Morley


한글 약력 소개

1958년 영국 이스트본 출생으로 작가 겸 미술사가이다. 옥스퍼드대에서 근대사를 전공하고 골드스미스대에서 순수미술 석사학위, 사우스햄튼에서 자신의 작업과 관련하여 동아시아 철학과 미학에 관하여 박사학위를 받았다. 2001년부터 <Messagerie; Exposition>프랑스 디종미술관(2009) 등 유럽 및 한국과 일본 등 세계여러나라에서 20여 회의 개인전을 열었고 <A Picture of Britain>테이트 브리튼(2005), <유니버설스튜디오>서울시립미술관(2014) 등 다수의 중요한 단체전에 참여했다. 저서로는 Writing on the Wall(2013), L’Art Les Mots, Sublime(2010) 등이 있다. 현재 단국대 예술학과 교수로 재직 중이다.



1958, Eastbourne, UK.

Live and works in South Korea and France.


BA Modern History, Mansfield College, Oxford University

MA Fine Art, Goldsmiths College, University of London

PhD, University of Southampton


Solo Exhibitions (since 2010)

2015      ‘Korean Works: 2010-2105,’ Gallery JJ, Seoul

               ‘Kiss Me Deadly’, Gallery Baton, Seoul

2014      ‘Albert Camus: Oeuvres’, Galerie Scrawitch, Paris

               ‘Book-Painting,’ Lounge Project, Artsonje, Seoul

               ‘Lost Horizon’, Art First, London

               ‘Simon Morley’, Thomas Park Gallery, Seoul

2012      ‘Monograph’, Taguchi Fine Art, Tokyo, Japan

2011     ‘Korea Land of the Dawn, and Other Paintings’, Art Link Gallery, Seoul

               ‘A Short History of the Twentieth Century’, Art First Gallery, London

               ‘Guest from the Future’ (two-person show with Maria Chevska), Galerie8, London

2010      ‘Six Halls’, Taguchi Fine Art, Tokyo

               ‘Moon is Homeland Bright’: An Installation, Kyunghee Univ. Museum of Art, Seoul

               ‘Messagerie’, Musée des Beaux Arts, Dijon, France


Selected Group Exhibitions (since 2010)

2015      ‘Visible Air,’ Kyunghee University Museum of Art, Seoul

2014    ‘  Le Mont Analogue’, Galerie Julien Bezille

               ‘Moon’, Art First Gallery, London

               ‘Universal Studios, Seoul’, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul

               “Memoire de guerre,’ Musée Romain Rolland, Clamecy, France

2013     ‘Crossing Spaces’, Kunsthalle Faust, Hannover, Germany

               ‘Natural History,’ Art First, London

               ‘Monocromi. Dalla Materia alla Superficie. La Poetica dell’oggetto.

                Morley e Pinelli,’ (two-person show) Galleria Spazia, Bologna

                Chang Eung-Bok’s Boutique Hotel, ‘Peach Blossom Dream’, SeMA Living Arts    

                Museum, Seoul

                Gwangju Design Biennial (with Chang Eung-Bok), Gwangju, South Korea.

2012      Poznan Mediations Biennial, ‘The Unknown’, Poznan, Poland

                REAL DMZ, Cheorwon Province, South Korea, curated by Samuso

2010     ‘Gyeonggi Creation Center Residency Program Exhibition’, Incheon Art

                Platform, South Korea

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